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Additional Services


VSE provide a number of Additional Services, in order to better suit individual educational organisations and student needs. These include: 

Register Inspection Guidance


VSE can complete a thorough Register Inspection providing appropriate guidance in line with DFE Regulations. A Register Inspection will highlight what the School/Academy needs to improve on, in order to meet DFE and OFSTED Requirements in relation to; registration, codes to be used in registers and ways to use data collected to track attendance trends.

Inset and Training


Training is offered by VSE to all Schools/Academies, covering issues such as: good practice on the keeping of registers, strategies for promoting regular attendance, addressing persistent absenteeism, communication with parents, good practice in monitoring punctuality, addressing post-registration truancy, reintegrating long-term absentees, developing a whole school attendance policy, rewards and incentives, first-day of absence contact, primary/secondary-sixth form/college transfer.

Mentoring/Pastoral Support


Advice and support to families experiencing social inclusion issues.



Parent Agreements


Support to Schools/Academies who wish to offer a Parent Agreements. Parental Agreements are voluntary, written agreements,negotiated between parents and the School/Academy detailing partnership working to support pupils.

Home Visits (for cases not referred)


Joint home visit with EC and member of school staff on cases that are not referred, should there be an immediate welfare concern.

Home Visits (for cases not referred)


Joint home visit with EC and member of school staff on cases that are not referred, should there be an immediate welfare concern.

School Assemblies


A VSE representative can attend assemblies to explain to pupils the law in relation to school attendance, possible consequences, the schools’ expectations and the role of VSE.

Punctuality Initiatives


In partnership with senior school staff, a VSE representative can be made available to receive pupils and speak to parents at the school gate, for a morning or week long initiative. Based on data collected and including pupils with poor punctuality patterns. Punctuality Panels can be instigated.

Punctuality Panels


Punctuality Panels are convened as a result of targeted data analysis or as a result of a punctuality initiative. Panels consist of a VSE representative, school attendance lead and representative from senior management team. Parents and pupils can be invited as appropriate to the Punctuality Panel.Please be aware that referrals to Visions for Schools and Education due to punctuality will only be accepted if a pupil is a Persistent Absentee, with unauthorised late occurrences, as Local Authorities rarely prosecute on the basis of lateness alone.

Pre-Referral Meetings with Tutor Groups and/or Groups of Pupils


Education Welfare Consultants will meet with groups of pupils and/or tutor groups to discuss the poor attendance or punctuality patterns and set targets for improvement.

Attendance at Parents Evenings and/or Open Days


A VSE representative can provide an out of hour’s service to create awareness of school attendance expectations, meeting with those individual parents/carers who have failed to attend pre-referral meetings. VSE Additional Services are charged at an hourly rate. Please feel free to approach VSE regarding the individual needs of your School/Academy and we will try our best to accommodate you.

Attending Multi-Agency Meetings


A VSE representative can attend any multi-agency meeting and/or provide a report.


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